Understanding PAYE in Trinidad and Tobago

Understanding PAYE in Trinidad and Tobago

Payroll, Tax Planning
If your business/company employs persons, then it’s likely you’ll need to register under PAYE so they can pay tax to the Board of Inland Revenue. What is PAYE? PAYE is a Board of Inland Revenue (BIR) automated system for collecting income tax payments from employed persons throughout Trinidad and Tobago. What Does PAYE Mean? PAYE also known as Pay-As-You-Earn, is a tax paid to the BIR once you cross the monthly income barrier of $7500 or annual earnings of $90,000 (Effective of Jan 1st, 2023) you pay 25% of the added value. As an employer you pay employees’ taxes to BIR directly from their salary. This means that when an employee receives their salary, all their deductions for tax and payments like standing orders or loan deductions would be paid…
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